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AS A PRODUCT DESIGNER I recognise the importance of the relationship between the user and the product, the use of the best materials available, and the ultimate desire to create products that give purpose and enrich our lives are all extremely important to a successful product.

AS A PET OWNER I know that a comfortable and relaxed animal, is a happy and safe animal.
The need for consistency and direction with an animal is  important, so having a kennel that I can take WITH me when we go away - a kennel that he knows he can retreat to and rest, is a huge psychological advantage for keeping him relaxed and on top of his game.


So when I was searching for a premium, foldable/ transportable kennel for my dog that would stand up to the rigors of an active traveling pup, and found the MAELSON Soft Kennel, I knew this was a product which would make a huge practical difference to the way we travelled.

The Soft Kennel will give you options for both as a travel kennel, AND as a permanent kennel solution in covered-outdoor or indoor spaces.

Likewise the MAELSON Snuggle Kennel is the perfect carrier for you cats and smalls dogs, for adventures large and small!


If you are looking for a premium foldable and transportable kennel or cat carrier, the MAELSON products are precisely what you need.


Campbell & Taj


Campbell  (Human)

Bachelor of Design - Industrial (Hons).
Massey University School of Design,

Taj (Canine)

Double Bachelor of Mischief & Shenanigans – maximum speed/ commitment.

Post graduate studies in;

  • Human Food

  • Sticks-of-Value

  • Human Hypnosis & Manipulation

  • Advanced Benefits of Snoozing





1. an unusual and exciting or daring experience


“He was mastered by the sheer surging of life, the tidal wave of being,
the perfect joy of each separate muscle, joint, and sinew
in that it was everything that was not death, that it was aglow and rampant, expressing itself in movement, flying exultantly under the stars.”

― Jack London, The Call of the Wild


Product & Design Integrity;
Does the product function extremely well as intended, and is the form (design) complimentary and appealing?

Material Quality;
Is the product constructed of the highest quality, durable materials and finishes relative to it’s intended use?

Adventure, Enrichment & Companionship;
Does the product work or contribute to enable the animal to get the most out of life?

Does it help you TAKE THEM WITH YOU when you go on adventures?

Customer Satisfaction & Service;
Where products have been used for the intended purpose but have clearly failed due to substandard material or construction issues, we will seek to provide the customer with replacement as quickly as can reasonably be achieved.

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